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My drug of choice is powder..

After we moved to Colorado, me and Hyland took up skiing. We went out and got ourselves passes, brand new boots and second hand skis. The rest of the gear are things we bought back in Korea ( for the one time we went snowboarding) and Goodwill bargains. We figured as we progress we will invest in proper gear.

At the beginning it was super challenging trying to wear in new boots, i swear its harder than any shoes that i have ever owned. The second challenge as a newbie on the block, is trying to avoid all the people and not running them over. As i am a beginner, i go on the easy (and over crowded) slopes., but you quickly pick up your skills as your are literally ditching people left and right.

Trying to keep up with Hyland and his speed, i am becoming better each day. I am not braking any speed records like him, but i can somewhat keep up.

Now these are called mowgels... i try and avoid them at all cost. If there are one or two randomly on the slope, they are fun to go around or over and get some "air", but if the whole slope looks like this, be sure to know that if you are no pro, you will be getting stuck quite often.

On clear sunny days, the views you get form the top are amazing!!!

We mostly treat ourselves with some big beers during and after skiing. During mostly to warm up my toes! For some reason there is something about drinking COLD beers in the snow on a slope!

Keystone Resort have this section in between two mountains "the beach" were you can grab beers, food and relax on the chairs.

These two are always keeping me entertained on the long lift rides. They like to karaoke, and sing so lift rides are never dull when these two are around.

My main man

Some days we start out with perfect conditions.. blue open skies and sunshine

and then it changes drastically... to snow pouring down and absolutely no visibility.

Skiing is a crazy good working and sometimes you have to teat yourself to some fattening deliciousness. At the base they have so many places to choose form, but this waffle stand has had my attention since day one.

Hyland had a ginger and cream waffle, I had a Bourbon bacon waffle and Mark had the same as me with added nutella.

Best emoji...

Life does not get any better than this!!!

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